UI-View 32 ---------- TO USE UI-VIEW32 YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED USER OF THE 16 BIT VERSION OF UI-VIEW. UI-VIEW32 WILL NOT RUN UNTIL YOU HAVE INPUT YOUR UI-VIEW REGISTRATION INFORMATION! ***************************************************************** * IMPORTANT! If you install a *full version* of UI-View32 as an * * update to an existing version, you should first uninstall the * * previous version from "Control Panel", "Add/Remove Programs". * * You won't lose your UI-View32 configuration by doing that, * * and it will make sure that you don't suffer any problems with * * mixed versions. * ***************************************************************** To run UI-View32 you need Win95/Win98/Win2000/WinXP (I expect it will work on NT4, but I haven't tried it). As a minimum hardware spec, I would suggest a P200 and 32 Mb of RAM. It will run on a lot less than that, but it will be slow, and so you will lose any advantage of using the 32 bit version compared to the 16 bit version. It also needs 16 bit colour or better. If you use 8 bit colour (256 colours), then you may experience some strange effects with maps and/or symbols changing colour. Version History --------------- Select CHANGES.TXT on the Help menu for a list of all the changes that have been made to UI-View32 since V1.40. AGWPE ----- The interface to AGWPE is TCP/IP only, It does not support the DDE interface. You must have AGWPE 2000.15 or later. For connecting to AGWPE on your own PC, you should use a host address of localhost or You must make sure that "Winsock Interface" is checked on the AGWPE pop-up menu. Of course, you MUST also have TCP/IP protocol properly installed on your PC! NOTE that you don't need to load the AGWPE TCP/IP module in order to use the TCP/IP application interface. BPQ32 ----- UI-View32 works fine with BPQ32. However, BPQ32 is still under development, and documentation for it is hard to find. DON'T try and use BPQ32 if you have never used the old 16 bit BPQ. If you have previously used the old BPQ, then you should find that your existing BPQCFG.TXT will work, provided that you change the COM port addresses in the port definitions to port numbers - 1,2,etc. It appears that BPQCFG.BIN needs to be in the same directory as the first BPQ32 application that you start, but BPQ32.DLL can be put either in the application directory or in WINDOWS\SYSTEM. When BPQ32 starts up, it opens a DOS window - I have no control over that, and you need to minimise it manually. UI-View Add-Ons --------------- Add-ons written for UI-View that use the DDE interface won't work with UI-View32. The reason is that the DDE topic name has changed, it is "UIView32|UIVData". I would suggest that anyone writing add-ons that use DDE should first attempt to connect to "UIView|UIVData" (the topic name for 16 bit UI-View), and then try "UIView32|UIVData" if the first attempt returns an error. That way the add-ons will work with both applications. Uninstalling ------------ Like all 32 bits Windows applications, UI-View32 can be uninstalled from Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. You will then need to remove any files and sub-directories that it has created. Roger Barker roger@peaksys.co.uk 2002-Nov-11