LICENSING CONDITIONS FOR UI-View32 PLEASE NOTE - to read all the licensing conditions, you will need to scroll the window. By installing UI-View32, you accept these conditions, so please read them carefully! UI-View32 is copyright Peak Systems 2000 - 2004. UI-View32 is for use only by radio amateurs, as part of their hobby of amateur radio. Commercial use of UI-View32 is not permitted. If you wish to use UI-View32 for commercial purposes, then ask me about obtaining a commercial licence. Future versions of UI-View32 may require a different registration key to be used. If that becomes necessary, then the key will be supplied free of charge via email, or via post provided that the user covers the postage costs. You must not pass on your registration information to any other user. The UI-View32 distribution file(s) must NOT be sent by 7plus (or in any other format) on the packet network. This includes any files that I issue as part of an update. Roger Barker, G4IDE 2004-Jan-16